Rice ball crochet

Rice ball crochet

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blog: Cute & Yummy Giveaway!!

~1st Prize Wins these delicious books and yarns~
 Check it out at: http://cuteandyummy.blogspot.com/2010/09/fabulove-giveaway-is-back.html

~2nd Prize Wins are looking pretty good too~ ^o^v

This giveaway is only for fellow crocheters so don't lie and cheat!

Monday, September 20, 2010

More Little Friends

This is a creature and that is all I know. It looks like it's something along the lines of a bunny and a bear. You decide! :) It is a cute creature so that is good enough for me.

As I haven't posted in a while I will put up a few pictures I have just had on hold. Unfortunately, I have a bit of a problem uploading pictures in a timely manner. Also, as I'm sure any crocheter/knitter knows, it's HARD to keep a finished project around long enough to take a picture of. Lol. My bro especially likes to take them and give them away. Flattering but I really wanted those pictures! 
       Anyway, no more ranting for now...

 The quality of this picture is not so good but maybe you can see the unfinished string against the white. I found this pattern on Lion Brand Yarn called Peas in a Pod and I suggest you give it a shot, too. Mine didn't turn out like the Lion Brand one but it was relatively cute. I made it for my cousin's wedding as a last minute gift idea so it could have been better(eep). I'm now working on a totorobig totoro and little totoro family for my other cousins so I hope they like those better... 
Small white totoro

This guy turned out a little chubby.

 So there are more on the way!! I'm always making a bunch but they just disappear so fast. >.<